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Hey Mr preacher man, come on and feed us if you can

There’s a famine on, malnutrition’s here


We need some sustenance, come on and knock us off the fence

With the Bread of Life 

We need soul food


You’ve been playing with your words 

Just like you’re playing with my dinner

Knowledge puffs up, love it builds up

So build the crowd 

We’re getting thinner


We don’t need no added sugar

E-numbers or flash vocabulary

Sometimes it’s sour but I’ve got to taste that power

Hitting me with vitamin C


Hey Mr preacher man, come on a feed us if you can

There’s a famine on, malnutrition’s here


We need some rooted veg; Leviticus, Numbers and the rest

Plate up the manna

We need Soul food


Hey Mr preacher man, come on and feed us if you can

There’s a famine on

We need soul food


So get your roots below the surface

Come drench your mind in waters deep

You can bring out more than dried old figs

Just let your fruit be ripe and juicy


So take us to the future banquet

The feast that can never decompose

‘Cos we are able to get more than crumbs from your table

We don’t need no yeast to make them grow


Give it to me fresh, give it to me cooked                                     

Give it to me straight out of the book

Give it to me, give it to me

Give it to me, give give give it to me


Spoon feeding feeds no contemplation

We don’t fast our food and quickly fill you with frustration

I’m gonna have to wait if I don’t want mono-saturates

‘cos i’m gorged on comfort information


Maybe we’ve got the children’s menu

Ready for milk, not solid food

There’s got to be a way to get our RDA

So won’t you teach us how to chew


Does not the ear taste the words

As the tongue tastes the food

I’m sorry preacher man, you only feed us what you can


Hey Mr. preacher man, don’t think I really understand

Just a few bread rolls and some mackerel


Just watch it multiply, your cake can wait another night

There’s a famine on 

We need soul food


© Sea Dream Music (PRS). Used by permission






Back from the festival

Feeling like a vegetable

Said goodbye to the summertime


Fell out of the weekend bed

Monday points the way to the week ahead

Wake us up to the better life


Mundane takes us by surprise

Mundane teaches us new lies



Been waiting for something new

Listening to the hum of another queue

Hanging round just to feel alive


Strapped to the motorway

Flagging on the track of another day

Chasing the 9-5




Autumn comes and dry leaves crunch about our feet

Our bones are aching but this monotony won’t cease

My mind flirts with the summer when the sky was wild and blue

But now the day’s mundane, can I still walk with you?


Haunted by memories

You and me making new discoveries

When spring time was in bloom


Summer seems so far away

Does it seem too much to brighten up my day

Now that daylight ends so soon?




August left us on high and full of hope

November comes along and we can hardly cope

I’m not waiting for the summer – though it’s easier in June

Now the day’s mundane it’s still alive in you




© Sea Dream Music (PRS). Used by permission






Did you see my soul sliding on the floor?

Since we’ve been flung through the narrow door

Twist and shout to the angels’ groove

So overjoyed I can’t help but move


Party people pounding positive

To my surprise my friend we’re gonna live

Dancing with freedom flowing in the air

As we shake the room, spin off our feelings of despair


Because I’m there, dancing on my salvation shoes

Haven’t got the time to sing those lonely blues

Yeah I tripped through the eye of a needle passing by

Spinning through

On my salvation shoes


Don’t get me wrong my friend, I’ve known hard times

I’m overdrawn, my face is full of lines

But the world spins on like a mirror ball

Because you know that we are dancing to a higher call


I’m there, dancing on my salvation shoes

Haven’t got the time to sing those lonely blues

Though troubles bring me down they keep me dancing on the ground

Spinning through

On my salvation shoes


They sang that hymn ‘til it went grey

That first groove seemed so far away

Rise up sleepy people please do not be dead

Angels are grooving out now overhead


Shake of the dust and rise up from your pews

Strut you stuff now to the funky news

There’s a rhythm that’s been flowing for so many centuries

So rise up my friend because you know you’ll be set free


I’m there dancing on my salvation shoes

Haven’t got the time to sing those lonely blues

Though I’ve been told a thousand times 

This ancient God still blows my mind

Spinning through

On my salvation shoes


© Sea Dream Music (PRS). Used by permission






Watched you rush by

Your reputation’s flying but you’re feeling dry

In your suit and tie

Can’t help but see outside your fine, inside you’re crying

See it in your eyes

You think that you can fool the world with your disguise

And professional lies

You’re so mysterious


You say no man’s an island

But we’re knocking on your shore

This may just be surprising

No one knows you anymore


Please, please, please

How do you feel?

Please, please, please

Show the world that you’re real


Walked the plank

Through your eyes to sympathise with a hypocrite man

Through your face

But your eyes and dancing speeches wouldn’t correlate

Your heart exposed

All wrapped up in a world where everyone knows

Your para-lies

And false hysteria


You say no man’s an island

But we’re knocking on your shore

This may just be surprising

We’ve all been there once before


Please, please, please

How do you feel?

Please, please, please

Show the world that you’re real


© Sea Dream Music (PRS). Used by permission




(Written by James Darn, Tom Mayle and Ben Wilkes)


I’ve been thinking about their pre-perceptions

Watching myself through other men’s ears

Listening to their misconceptions

Of why my heart holds you to be so dear


But I don’t care what the people say

I’m going to love you any way

I don’t care what the people do

Won’t let them barricade my way to you


If I’m indoctrinated, hope delirious

Or this is just another romantic phase in my mind

It’s true that we fear time’s bad experience

But you know those fears I’m leaving behind


But I don’t care what the people say

I’m going to love you any way

I don’t care what the people do

Won’t let them barricade my way to you


You can kill or throw me in the fire

Persecute my for my heart’s desire

If I’m in too deep when all is at the wire

Won’t let them barricade me from your love ‘cos your love takes me higher


So quick to speak so slow to listen

Opinion screaming out for some time

I’m listening to a premonition

Of you and me growing on through this life


But I don’t care what the people say

I’m going to love you any way

I don’t care what the people do

Won’t let them barricade my way to you


You can kill or throw me in the fire

Persecute my for my heart’s desire

If I’m in too deep when all is at the wire

Nothing can separate me from your love ‘cos your love takes me higher



 © Copyright Control/Sea Dream Music (PRS). Used by permission






I see her open up her hands

Her face all dressed in smiles

All in pink and innocence 

Love fires cannons through her eyes

Standing dazed, watching amazed

Her arms held up with fire

A life once caught up in your love

It leaves us asking why


Pain it hardened up her soul 

As she let her love subside

Looking out for other coal

To fuel the journeys ride

Ran from all the arguments

The uncompleted fights

Took the train past rock and roll

Blended out of sight


But we’ll be waiting here for you

If you path winds back to you

Guess I wouldn’t miss us hypocrites

Just don’t forget the feeling

When you were wading through the healing

And when you’re spent just recall


Sailed away still off the coast

She sent me a postcard

Saying she’d been far away 

Reading many stars

Said that she had long forgotten

Why she bothered and with a sigh

Said that maybe all along 

It way have just been teenage hype


But we’ll be waiting here for you

If your path winds back to you

Guess I wouldn’t miss us hypocrites


Just don’t forget the feeling

When you were wading through the healing

And when you’re spent just recall


But we’ll be waiting here for you

If you path winds back to you

Guess I wouldn’t miss us hypocrites


Just don’t forget the feeling

When you were wading through the healing

When it was God you clearly saw 

Sanding down your roughened core

Warming up your winters

Opening your narrow door

And when you’re spent just recall


© Sea Dream Music (PRS). Used by permission






What’s it like up on the ledge of the universe’s edge

Is it lonely on the membrane of the womb of all creation?


Spinning stars in space, kicking off a meteor race

Making a connection to your planet innovation


Up here, down there, inside, out there, 

Afar and near, outstanding everywhere


What’s it like deep in my soul? I’ve been so numb and cold

Is it lonely in the gloom? Is there any space for you?


My conscience seemed as far away as the stars on a cloudy day

But you whisper in the deep bringing healing where you speak


Up here, down there, inside, out there

Afar and near, outstanding everywhere


When the rhythm of the sunrise shakes the sluggard man away

You shoot up from my depth, I watch you change all destiny

Light years away you shape the moons and curve my jagged thoughts

You still the outer stratosphere but shake my inner core

When darkness left the ninth hour light switches on within

Travelling through my skin


Up here, down there, inside, out there

Afar and near, outstanding everywhere


© Sea Dream Music (PRS). Used by permission






Grace I don’t deserve

Every good and perfect gift is from above

This love I could not earn has been pouring down on me


Your grace is all that I need


Grace pours down in waves

For there’s a time to have and a time to crave

It melts my hardened skin

And washes out the pride I hoard within


Yet do I dare to believe your grace is all that I need

Your grace is all that I need


Grace. Can love be free?

You lift me up and bring me to my knees

Cos I’d been trying so hard to please

But you say “freely give, freely receive”


© Sea Dream Music (PRS). Used by permission






The way of the sluggard is blocked with thorns

Cannot hack his path as he strolls along

Doesn’t know the sensation of a hard day’s work

Hasn’t taken a ride on the light of dawn


You need to work this out

This isn’t what life’s about

Come on and get out of your bed

Or you may soon wake up dead


His bed is no peaceful sanctuary

But a dungeon of thoughts of the could have beens

Lives by the riches of JSA

And sleeps his whole empty life away


Like a city whose walls are all broken down

Is a man that greets discipline with a frown

So go to the ants and you soon will find

A remedy for your lazy mind


You need to work this out

This isn’t what life’s about

Come on and get out of your bed

Or you may soon wake up dead


As poverty knocks on your paint chipped door

And your life is rusting away on your thoughts

Get up and give and you soon will see

The man you were created to be


Come on my friend there’s still hope around

Don’t have to earn this love just an even pound

As you rise you know your demons will pay

And your lazy days will soon fade away


© Sea Dream Music (PRS). Used by permission


© 2014 Darn Good Music

Site Creative - Seven Five Design 2014

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